After your Treatment


What to Expect After a Dental Extraction

You can expect some slight bleeding or oozing following oral surgery. Bite down firmly on damp gauze for 30 minutes. Try to avoid speaking during this timeIf Bleeding persists, place a new gauze pack and resume biting pressure. Keep your head elevated and rest quietly. Do not suck or spit and avoid using a straw.Some slight bleeding is normal; your saliva may be pink. If the bleeding persists heavily with bright red blood do not hesitate to call the office or our on-call doctor.
Some slight swelling is normal. Apply ice pack to area of surgery for 10 minutes of every ½ hour for the first 6 hours. Keep up normal nourishment, this is important for healing. Begin with a soft food diet for the first two days. Move to solid foods when you feel comfortable. Do not skip meals
Do not use any mouth rinse on the day of the surgery. Begin with warm saltwater rinses (1/2 tsp salt in a glass of warm water). Rinse 3-5 times per day and continue for up to a week. Toothbrushing can be done carefully. A clean mouth will heal faster. If you are able to take ibuprofen, please take 800 mg every 5 hours to control swelling and pain.
What to Expect After a Root Canal
After your root canal , your dentist present instructions for pain management and how to care for your tooth while recovering from treatment and until a follow-up visit. Following guidelines for care is especially important if a temporary filling or crown is in place.
As the medication used to numb your mouth during the procedure wears off, you may feel some tenderness in the area for a few days as everything heals and some mild soreness in your jaw from keeping your mouth open for an extended period during the procedure.
Though you may experience a slightly different sensation from your treated tooth than your other teeth for some time, you should contact your dentist immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms: Severe pain or pressure lasting more than a few days, Visible swelling inside or outside your mouth, or t he temporary crown or filling comes out (losing a thin layer of temp filling is normal)

What to Expect After a Deep Cleaning

After a deep cleaning procedure, you can expect your gums and teeth to be a bit sensitive for a few days. Sticking to soft foods and avoiding overly hot or cold beverages can help ease the discomfort. Start with very soft foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, and applesauce, and slowly start working somewhat harder foods.
We recommend rinsing your mouth with warm salt water a few times per day. This helps kill any lingering oral bacteria and relieve inflammation. You will need to continue brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily to keep oral bacteria at bay and encourage your gums to continue healing. Use a soft toothbrush and do not apply too much pressure to the areas that are sore. If you are experiencing discomfort that makes it hard to chew or talk, taking a dose of ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help. If you are a smoker, make sure you avoid smoking for at least 72 hours after your deep cleaning procedure. Quitting altogether, of course, is the best thing to do since smoking can cause gum disease to return again and again.
Following periodontal disease treatment, it's essential that you practice good oral hygiene to prevent the gum disease from coming back. Brush your teeth twice per day for a full two minutes. Use a timer to make sure you are brushing long enough, and really focus on brushing the areas where your teeth meet your gums. Many patients find it easier to brush thoroughly with an electric toothbrush.If you struggle to use regular floss, dental flossers or floss picks can make flossing a lot easier. Keep a few in your car for mornings when you forget to floss before leaving the house.
What to Expect after Implant Placement

We will furnish you with necessary prescriptions. Please take these as directed on the instruction sheet. Call us if you have any questions or if you experience any discomfort taking a medication.

Some Swelling is normal after surgery. The use of a cold pack is very helpful during the first 24 hours to control swelling. Hold the coldpack for 20 minutes at a time. It is normal to have some swelling the 3 rd day as the steroid is done. If swelling persists or increases after the 5 th day, please call us. Limit Physical Activity for the first two days.

If Upper Implants have been placed, please DO NOT BLOW YOUR NOSE HARD or block a sneeze for the first two weeks. This will help prevent an irritation of the sinus floor near the implants.

If Lower Implants have been placed, there is a possibility you will feel some tingling or numbness in the lower lip for a short time. This feeling is normally very temporary. The anesthetic can be long lasting. Please be careful not to bite or chew your lip.

Bruising of the face may occur, but it is not a problem. This can be more common with people on low-dose aspirin or blood thinners.

Keep the mouth as clean as possible with normal brushing and flossing, but avoid the surgery area. DO NOT brush vigorously the first day. The second day you may start rinsing gently with warm saltwater. It is common and normal to see the silver colored healing cover either right away or during the bone healing period. You can brush this like your natural teeth. Please eat a soft food diet for the first week and avoid any suction including straw and spitting.

Dentures and partials can usually be worn after the surgery. However, leaving them out as much as possible the first week will reduce the inflammation of the surgical site. Always eat a soft, but nutritious diet the first week.

Dentist - Saint Peter, MN
402 Sunrise Drive
Saint Peter, MN 56082

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402 Sunrise Drive
Saint Peter, MN 56082